Member-Only Writer Resources
The Author Basics eBooks
Phase 1. Pre-Writing
Tips and Tricks for owning your author status and crafting your story idea
Phase 2. Production
Tips and Tricks on creating characters, their worlds and their stories.
Phase 3. Publishing
Tips and Tricks on using social media for authors and how to decide which avenue of publishing is for you
Bonus Worksheets
If you’ve been thinking about taking part in Camp NaNo, NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), or simply want a head start with your novel, but it seems overwhelming - know that you’re not alone.
There is a lot that goes into pre-writing a novel, but it doesn’t have to become intimidating.
The Novel Prep Workbook will be your companion through it all, and help you get everything set up without the hassle.
Don't do a Google search to get five different answers for the same question and get your book planned today!
Inside the workbook, you'll explore idea creation, the basics of creating characters and world-building, as well as craft notes, checklists, plotting your key points and a date planner!