Five focus areas to Start you off in the right place

Looking to start your author career? Want to start off on the right foot and know the foundations of being a writer?

‘Author Foundations’ is a short guide to the foundation keystones that will take you from novice to novelist. Whether it’s working on your mindset, setting up a writing routine, nailing your website or building your mailing list, this guide will start you off on the right track to setting up your writing life.

In ‘Author Foundations’, you’ll learn:

  • What is mindset and why it’s so important

  • Overcoming writer’s block, self-doubt and comparisonitis

  • Why perfectionism is not in a writers handbook

  • How to make the time to actually write

  • Setting up a workspace and habits

  • Why you need an author website

  • How to build a website when you’re just starting out

  • Your social media hub

  • Finding your writing community

  • Why newsletters are so important

  • What you should send your email list

Ready to dip your toes into these writing waters? Grab your copy today and get started!